Model Details

Disney has made a movie about a famous boat...
... and Glencoe Models makes the kit.


Rescue Boat CG36500 is a Gold Medal boat made famous by its crew of four in the rescue of 32 survivors of the ill-fated tanker Pendleton, February 18th, 1952, during a tremendous 70 knot northeasterly storm. The four Coasties took CG36500 out in this wild storm in what seemed an impossible mission. They returned to the Chatham Station with 32 rescued crewmen. All four Coast Guard crewmen received the Gold Life Saving Medal for getting to the broken tanker under almost impossible conditions and heroically rescuing the 32 crewmen from the Pendleton.

Click above for the YouTube video on the build

The Glencoe Models U.S. Coast Guard boat built as CG 36500.

This this how she looks today after restoration.

Wire for the hand rails and thread for the aft mast has been added, as suggested in the instructions. See below for side-view drawings of the actual markings for CG 36500

Today, CG36500 is nothing short of a floating museum. Built in 1946, she performed admirably during her years of service at the Chatham, Massachusetts, Lifeboat Station. The spellbinding tale is overflowing with breathtaking scenes, as boats capsize, bows and sterns crash into one another, and men hurl themselves into the raging sea in their terrifying battle for survival. Visit the Orleans Historical Society Museum to view memorabilia and read the story of an incredible night on the high seas off Chatham back in 1952.

Disney has made a movie of this heroic rescue, released in February 2016, and based on the 2009 best-seller book, The Finest Hours by Michael J. Tougias and Casey Sherman.

   Chris Pine, of STAR TREK fame, portrays the captain of CG36500, starring alongside Eric Bana, Casey Affleck and Ben Foster. 

You can buy the detailed representation of this famous boat in popular 1:48 scale from Glencoe Models, which can be finished in a variety of color schemes


check the catalog entry :
U.S.Coast Guard Rescue Boat    


For historical reference, this kit was originally made by ITC, and issued in this box



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